Friday, February 5, 2010

My Ups and Downs

Blogging can be a difficult thing. I feel I have so much to say, but am unable to articulate my thoughts into typed words on a daily basis. So, here goes. My son's gf diet is going. When I heard about the disease I, of course, researched a ton on the Internet. Most of what I read was about what a miracle the gf diet was for someone or their family member. This has not been the case for us. My son had slowly cut off different foods and now has a very short list of foods he is willing to eat. This makes it very difficult when you add medical limitations to your diet. He has not changed the way he eats. He has always been a grazer and does not eat large amounts at one sitting. He has definitely not gained any weight, either. The only change we have seen so far is that he no longer complains about stomach pain and his bowl movements are much more normal. He also has not vomited for 8 months (I am not counting when actually had a bug, since it was not caused by gluten ingestion). So, I can see that this is an improvement, but we were expecting so much more and are somewhat disheartened that, for us, the miracle we were hoping for will occur at a slow rate. This is a daily battle for me especially, being that I am responsible for all food preparations. I am constantly filled with guilt and worry about whether or not I have contaminated his food. I sometimes am so desperate that I will pray over his food asking God to ensure that it is in fact 100% gf. I have finally accepted the fact that, at least for awhile, he will be a grazer of food. I am so thankful to God that this disease is treated naturally and will cause him no long term damage (as long as he is gf). That is the biggest blessing of all. I am also blessed to have friends who support me and encourage me. My friend R.R. who went so far as to prepare a gf meal for my son so he could spend the night with her son. Also my friend C.D. who is always on the lookout for new gf foods that I can't find where I live. My friend L.C. who found other bloggers going through what I am. And of course, all my other friends who listen to my frustrations and triumphs and offer their prayers of support. I love that God gave us friend relationships!!!

On another note, I wanted to share a praise with all of you. My son had asked Jesus to come into his heart about two months ago. Well, the worrying mom that I am, I prayed for God to show me that His spirit was living in my son. Yesterday, my son was reading his AWANAS book (he needed to memorize some scripture) and he read this verse: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9. Then he tells me that this verse was for him; that God was telling him this. I told him (while saying a thank you to God) that yes, that verse was just for him from God. Amen!!! (Back story: He is scared of the dark and has a difficult time falling asleep alone in his room)


Laura Ann said...

Shayln I am so pleased to hear that Ryan has come to know the Lord, it must give you so much peace and joy to know He is forever in the Father's arms. I am sorry to hear that it is slow going on the GF diet, I will continue to keep an eye out for blogs that might be of some help. I was up late the other night and discovered that Elizabeth Hasselhof (spelling wrong I am sure) from the View has GF, might be worth it to google some info on her and see how she lives with it.

I will continue to lift you up in prayer.

Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann

Chan Ann said...

God is great!!!! I don't know what I would do without my friend relationships :)