Sunday, February 14, 2010

Let's Go Again!

Don't you just know God is amazing?!?!?! I mean, here I am worrying and wondering and God just tells me why I shouldn't be and then gives an expression of His love. Yesterday was wonderful. We actually had snow this year! I thought for sure our chance had past. Isn't that usually how things work? You give up and think there is no longer any reason to hope and then God says surprise!! I was looking outside at this snow and thinking how stunning everything looked covered in sparkling white. And this voice came to me saying, "That's what God does to you." He takes our dirty, broken hearts and covers them with His love. Then we are sparkling white. Not only does he do that, but he also gives us a new person. Just like after the dead winter, we have a new and alive spring. God is AMAZING!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Chan Ann said...

Oh my goodness I was thinking the same thing when it snowed here!! Great minds think alike. And YES GOD IS AMAZING!!!!