Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Praise Day!!!!!!

1. My son made the decision to be baptized on Sunday!! At church there were a lot of people going up to the front during the invitation and I thought I would ask my son (again) if he wanted to go up and talk to the pastor about being baptized. He is so sweet, you know. He says "Yes, Momma, but did you bring me extra clothes?" He was ready!! We walked down there and he is not bashful at all, so he tells the pastor that he wants to be baptized. Well, it was a great experience.

2. I recently changed churches, which was extremely difficult. The praise in this is that everything that I am doing (Sunday school, worship, bible study, just life!) is flowing together. God is personalizing everything for my benefit. I see that the Holy Spirit is guiding me in this way. Amen!!!

1 comment:

Chan Ann said...

I love when you can feel the Holy Spirit at work, it is like no other high(which I wouldn't know about any other high)that you felt before!